Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reinventing Yourself as an Artist

Hi everybody,

I am emerging from my back-in-school-for-3D Art study zone again and have been pondering some universal artist questions. This stems from my looking back at the very successful art career I had as I fine art photographer 12 years ago while creating a 4 year projection photo series called, "Penetrations". I had accomplished exactly what I had wanted to do at the time which was to show that photography could be a form of painting by painting directly onto male figure models with silver paint and then over laying them with  projections of architectural images I had taken- so essentially adding a layer of light. I said what I wanted to say with the film medium at the time and needed to move on.

Fast forward to today and I have taught myself to paint and teach others art part time. I am in school learning Video Game Art and Motion Graphics and want to merge all of the mediums into new Art forms. I don't know how I will do it yet, but I will. I am very lucky to have been born with an intelligent, adventurous spirit and brain and a powerful focus on what success as an artist means to me.

But what about the artist that comes up with a "hit" visual series, gets into a Museum show or two, has artist's talks at prestigious places and winds up churning out the same yet consistent thing year after year with no attempt at any growth or deviation from the series in fear of confusing and losing their collectors and followers?

Do you think they ever get really bored with doing it?
And if they do get bored how do you think they work their way through it?
Do you think that makes a "better" artist or a conformist artist or both? 
What if there were no more lone wolves in art?

I would love to hear from artists out there on this so please do comment.

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